A book reads from top to bottom sequentially. The first chapter is first, the last chapter is last. With a book you start at the top and work your way down to the end. A blog is not like that. The first entry is way down at the bottom. Maybe even down in the bottom of an archive folder somewhere. And the most recent post is at the top. This makes it a bit awkward to read through chronologically.
The stories in this blog are interrelated. Many but not all of them are sequential. If you are jumping in at mid-stream you might be lost. I would suggest that you read all the stories from the bottom up. If you have been following it from the start, or have caught up, you can just read them as they are posted. To get you started, you can go to this post from early April 2011. Then to continue, you would work your way up through April, May, June, and so on.
Occasionally I have added an editorial comment where a post really needs the backstory of another post to be effective. I am ambivalent about providing such clues, and do not always do so. I like the idea that the reader would need to do the reading in order to uncover gems in the process.